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Our Goals

Bound for Success, Inc.'s Goals for the Future


1) Provide services to those most needy in Sandoval County. We will measure this goal by compiling demographic data from our survey forms with at least 75% of our clients being : Single, Female Head of Household, Earning less than $10,000.00 annually.

2) Provide services to 10 women a month. Measured in the number of referrals actually served. If one month is low in referrals, we will serve more the next month so that no one is ever turned away. We also tally the number of family members in the household as everyone benefits when the female head of household becomes gainfully employed and self sufficient.  

3) Increase our customer base. Will be measured by tallying the number of customers per month and comparing it on an annual basis.


4) Increase our Annual Sales. Measured by totaling sales daily, monthly, annually and comparing the data.


5) Increase the number of donations received. Measured by tally donations, daily, weekly, monthly, annually and comparing data.


6) Provide quality services in a friendly and caring manner in order to assist women and enhance their self esteem. Measured by having 75% of our clients respond EXCELLENT or GOOD on our survey form to four questions regarding timeliness, respectfulness, welfare and needs and caring of staff.


7) Services will impact our clients self esteem and assist them in their efforts to better meet the needs of their family. Measured by having 75% of our clients respond YES to one or more of the following Responses: The services I received helped me: 1) secure a job; 2) get a better job; 3) feel better about myself; 4) meet some of my family needs. 


8) To meet or exceed our clients expectations, to confirm that our services are greatly needed in this area and to have our clients share information about the services we provide.


9) To help our clients become savvy consumers. Informally measured by having discussions about how to best stretch their hard earned dollars by shopping during clearance sales, caring for items, quality of items versus quantity - teaching them to look for the best deals!

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